Another Mini Update!

Hey everyone! 

Happy May! It’s been a busy month for a lot of us on the team. On my end, one of my siblings finished their undergrad, and it made me realize that a lot of you checking our game out are conquering this milestone as well! So a big congratulations to you if you just finished your school year, too! Otherwise, can you believe we’re already halfway through the year?

The team was hoping to get the extended demo out for everyone to enjoy over the summer, but there’s still a couple of scripts that need to be finalized in the build. As such, we’re gonna have to delay our release to sometime this summer instead. A bit of a bummer news since we’re so so close to the end of the tunnel! But the team’s practicing self-care and making sure we’re not burning ourselves out in these final steps, especially since we’re only at the beginning of where we hope to take Keyframes. 

That being said, we don’t plan on leaving anyone high and dry. So even though it’s not the full extended demo as we hoped, we decided to release an updated version of the demo we made during the ‘23 OtoJam! There’s been a fair bit of changes (not just in art, but in story as well) so those who’ve already played our demo before can experience something new in the interim! Mind, the barbecue event is still expected to get some touch ups in the actual release of the extended demo, but we wanted to show you how far we’ve come in the past year! With this rerelease, we not only polished up the jam demo, but we also took into account some feedback players have left in our comments and our inboxes! The house has been extremely thankful for the love and consideration that’s been given toward Keyframes so far, so the least we can do is make sure our players are heard. ^^ 

We also were unable to express it before, except through Tumblr tags and keysmahes lol, but thank you for all the art and engagements ya’ll have been leaving and tagging to our pages! Knowing that there are people out there looking forward to what comes of our cast is such a major morale boost. Genuinely, it makes staring at my monitor for hours on end wayyyy more bearable haha. So thank you for patiently sticking by us if you’ve seen Keyframes before, and if you’re recently new here then thank you for taking the time to check us out! We’ll keep working to show you all a story we’re proud to tell!

And with that— the team hopes that everyone enjoys this little early update! Thanks for reading up to here <3

(BLANK) House

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May 31, 2024 431 MB
May 31, 2024

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No android please?


This update was amazing!! It's so cool getting to see all the differences and improvements between this version and the old one, and it's easy to tell that so much work has gone into it. I hope everyone on the team is proud of what they've done! I'm so so excited to see more with the extended demo, take all the time you need for it, I know it'll be incredible and more than worth the wait! Take care of yourselves, and again, amazing job!!


I have SOOO many things to say about this demo! So, sorry if this is too long 😭 but i had to! You really took into account the comments and so many details... I'm amazed truly! 

Firstly, the personality test! I feel like I finally understood the main differences with the personalities after playing with them all. Like you can clearly see the difference between Winter and Summer but I was really confused when it came to Spring and Fall… Sometimes I found Fall was just too shy or Spring too cunning. But I see now it goes beyond just that! So, thanks for adding in complexity to the test! I feel the personalities are more accurate in this demo and portray better what you’ve explained before in the asks. Hope it clears up all the doubts that people usually have with them!

Secondly, I noticed just when we first bumped into Percy but it happens in general when talking to the boys! There’s so many options?! Omg you weren’t joking in Tumblr with the script variations… You’re all TOO good giving us so many options to choose from! But that’s really cool, now I see why there could be so many different branches to the story. I love that you give us all an opportunity to personalize our mc without having to be that worried about our base personality. AHHH now’s when I got flashbacks to all of the asks fr! It’s like it finally made sense.

Finally, the barbecue event felt more real! Looking back to the first demo where we meet everyone again at the volleyball match… It feels more organic now, like every guy has its own moment and we spend more time with Cam and Deja! We actually got more time to see how mc and their friends usually bond and it’s not like we “rush” from event to event. Nothing bad about the first one tho! I just saw an evident upgrade and progress to it :D Also, the mini games/qtes?! If I was already into the game… It got me even more focused not to fail LMAO those details are EVERYTHING

I know that it’s not what you had on your plans but you should feel proud about this update! I’ve got to say that I really appreciate that you kept your word till the end. You could have simply pushed back the demo and release it when it’s the extended one. Even so, you released an update this May (and the trailer, that’s important too awdhoia) so we could get a taste of the game and see how far you have all progressed! Thank you 💖 it really speaks volumes about you all guys! I’ve been following the game since you released it on the 23 Otojam and I can’t wait to support the Kickstarter! Meanwhile i'll be pestering you in tw/tumblr like the usual :')

Now I’ll be gone fr sorry for this lengthy comment 🫠 (and Lilly you were so right… Now I unfortunately like Jamie a lot 💀 He’s better HELP I never thought I would saying that ever)

PS: congrats on your sibling's undergrad! 🫶🏻


Thank you for the kind words and for following us for nearly a whole year now! Wow! I'm really really glad to hear that the changes we made added more to the story. :,)

And yeahhh it's not exactly what we wanted to do this May but seeing the responses so far have been bolstering our mentality for June. So we're definitely proud and pumped to keep showing yall what we got! Thanks again for your continued support <3






ah I’m so excited to play the demo again and see what changes have been made. This game is such a ray of sunshine and I am so excited for anything you guys have to offer. Make sure you’re taking care of yourselves, we are always happy to wait for this game. Thank you for creating such a wonderful project and sharing it with all of us <3


I'm viciously sobbing reading this comment while waiting for 8AM to hit for me. Thanks for the support TheGeesKnees, you are... the bee's knees :,)))))