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o.m.f.g!!! amazing!! but i really have to say, the "little brutus" store in the food court?! I cackled o hard when I saw it, absolutly brilliant!!


perrcyyyy perrcyyyy


this ate


This was so fun to read!!! Really REALLY excited for the next updates 

૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა


MY FAVORITE VN OF ALL THAT IS TIME OMG!! i love all the characters so much and I'm so so so excited for the next updates (  ≧ᗜ≦)
I also made a playlist for it in case any1 wants to check it out!! ^o^

love this!!!

tysm!!! :DDD


this is one of the best VNs i've read. so excited for more :D


It's only the demo and IT'S TOO GOOOOD (Thank you Jamie for being ridiculously charming which led me to downloading this game)


guys.. how many of yall are still obbsessesd w hias projec because im literally cryig bcuz i want more  when does the summer ersion come out ps im gonna cry gr

They mentioned that the earliest they can release the summer version is June 2026 (I think)


wish u guys had a discord and a late backer shop:(


Will it ever be out on Android.. 💔


ah, a fellow olnf fan.. good to see ya there

finally someone has taste.

Heh.. hello 😼

im so in love w that


As someone who came to this demo off of Our Life, i gotta say, this project is looking great, and I'm really looking forward to it.

I like most of the characters, and the characters I don't like aren't because They're badly written, it's just personal preference.

And because i enjoyed this demo so much, I wanted to share my thoughts in the form of constructive (I hope) criticisms of some things I noticed. 

Sorry if this sounds like me demanding things be a certain way, or something, I'm not trying to, I've just never given constructive criticism before and am generally socially inept. Likewise, I'm coning off of Our Life, which I feel is very similar to this VN and as such will be my closest comparison.

Spoilers ahead

So, my main criticism would probably be the game kind of.. Contradicting my choices? If that makes sense? There were sometimes where the game would either disregard/forget a previous choice. I'll give two examples. The first being early on, you're allowed to say you avoid touching people, even your close friends, but later, when you go to the diner, you're offered a hug, and the only option to refuse is to say "not this time" implying that you usually allow them to hug you, which completely contradicts a character boundary I set in the first act.

The second example is the Coop scene, where Percy can give up his shirt, and Elio his very important hat. There are unique sprites for these, and Percy even says something along the lines of "you won't be seeing the items again until after exams" yet, in the very next event, not only does Percy have His shirt back, which could be explained by him having multiple, but Elio has his hat back as well, which just feels like the game completely forgot they left them in the Coop.

My second criticism would be, and may possibly just be me misunderstanding the system, but the way the personality stat system works, and the portrayal of the MC in general.

For the Stat thing, its a super cool idea, I love it. Having a visual representation of your personality takes out part of the guesswork involved in making sure my character is who I want them to be, my complaint comes from however, me not understanding how my choices effect those stats.

For example, I started with a Fall personality. High compassion, minimal Confidence, low Composure and Charisma. Great! I like playing my chatacter as a kind, dorkish, socially anxious klutz. And i loved how i could portray that klutziness by failing QTE's (another system i love) however.. While it was obvious what choices would increase my compassion, i found my characters charisma and composure increasing, and Confidence going into the negatives.. And i had no idea what caused that. I found i didn't know how to lower composure or charisma, since I wanted them low, or how I lowered confidence, so i could keep it low. A comparison from Our Life would be the option color system, where certain choices were given certain "moods", like calm, confident, anxious, sad, in the form of the choice selection being a corresponding color, adding an easy to understand, but not blatent, layer of understanding of how the option would effect my characters personality.

As for the MC's personality.. I will admit this is simply a personal nitpick, but I found it kind of.. How to word this right.. Locked you in? into being a perfectly socially adjusted extrovert. As someone who likes to play a socially anxious/awkward introvert, even the Fall personality, what feels like should be the most introveted personality, felt squarely extroverted. And there were no choices to not be "normal", or to be more of a passive, or.. "troubled/anxious/awkward" person.

Even the options to refrain from commenting were framed more like "Eh, too lazy to talk" rather than "I prefer to keep quiet if possible"

(Or maybe there was and I just had too high composure/charisma to get them? But that again leads to the first thing of not knowing how my choices were effecting things)

The first time (and honestly, the most egregious time) I felt this was in Percy's introduction where, in a situation where my character would feel flustered, or awkward, my options were, what felt to me like "Get mad and judgemental" (something out of character for a "kind/anxious" character) "Flirt back" (something wildly out of character for a socially anxious character) and "flirt back a little differently" (same problem as option 2)

Which surprised me when later, my character would automatically get flustered by him in scenes where I would have absolutely have decided to have her get flustered by him.

Again, comparing to Our Life, where my character was free to be an absolute nervous wreck of a person who barely spoke and had multiple chances to let my character have anxiety attacks.

Another nitpick with the Main Character I had was.. Again, a nitpick, but no option to choose whether our character swore or not.

It was.. Incredibly jarring to choose for my character, who at this point, has negative Confidence and Compassion so high it's literally off the charts, to join in The Big One challenge, and exclaim "Mama didn't raise no B*tch!" (A word that I personally find INCREDIBILY offensive), prompting me to immediately reload a save to undo what was previously an in character choice (I like to think of my character as a big eater), yet with one line immediately turned into a horribly out of character choice.

But.. Hey.. maybe that's just how it's supposed to be? Maybe the MC is supposed to be a normal, extroverted person and I'm expecting far, far, too much, or expecting something that's against the Devs vision for the game.

Thats fine by me. I'm not the one making the game, I'm not the one putting my blood, sweat, and tears into this game.

Our Life is Our Life, and Keyframes is Keyframes.

And it's not my place to demand it be one way or another.

I just figure, demos exist to not only show progress of a game but for a dev to gather constructive criticism and apply it to the game.

So I figured i'd try to lay mine out there, just in case.

Regardless, even if the full release doesn't change anything and remains the same as this Demo, It'll still be an incredibly high quality VN at the top of my recommendations, and I'll still love it and replay it probably like 100 times. 

Heck if I had money I would throw it at this game SO hard.

What you're doing is amazing and i understand it's a ton of work.

I look forward to following it's development and can't wait for more!

Sorry for the long winded post, lol.

(1 edit) (+2)

Good gravy, I can't wait for summer!

Edit. Does anyone know how to get the bottom right polaroid?

Yes! It's from the Spring Festival Event. At some point when you have the option to "take a break with Cam" Do that :D

Thank you! I had no clue what I was missing lol

(1 edit) (+2)

Omg I love them all! I can't even decide between the boys (jkjk Percy is my baby!) but seriously they are all great.
I love games with amazing chemistry between ALL characters! The banter had me giggling more than once xD
I can't wait for it to be done <3

Also also I am so happy the stretch goal for NPC Sprites was reached....I love the NPCs so much! Gotta practice that secret handshake!





hiii pretty sure you just have to make elio's rute! there'll be a scene where you go out to the rain and when you have to go back to your place don't invite them and then percy will send the pic! hope it helps ^^



(1 edit)

hello!! i have gotten all the extra polaroid pics, but in the main screen there's a blank pink-ish picture next to a box with a clover sticker. is it supposed to be that way or am i missing something? i've replayed this game hundreds of times but i can't put my finger on it


Is there a date set on when the summer break part will come out?


Ive read a little about it and to anyone lazy they say it will come out sometime in the summer 2026


Game is so cute but I do not have arrow keys on my keyboard and there is no way to assign them to different keys.  Gotta be a passive player in all these games T-T


Might be a chance to relieve my college years again. I'm interested... and Elio certainly caught my attention, eheheh 😙


i have the fattest crush on percy and cam WDYM I CANT BE WITH CAM 


Elioooooo got me


lo unico que suplico es poder enamorarme de cam


I really wanna romance cam, are they even a romance-able character?..🥲🥲


yo tambien lo quiero, amo mucho a cam


I LOVE THIS GAME SOSOSOSOO MUCH. All of the characters interact so well together and not to mention the art is so good! This game is really what I needed after a rough time. The creators did a wonderful job and I can't wait to see what else they have for us <3


the ui is absolutely gorgeous i have a crush on percy so so so well done absolutely revolutionary i need more of this

(1 edit) (+11)

I JUST FINISHED IT AND I WONT BE ABLE TO STOP THINKING ABOUT IT FOR A WHILE NOW😫😫😭😭😭😭😭😔😔😭😔😭😭😭😭😭 getting brainrot for my babygirl percy <////3


i'm curious... can anyone tell me how much the events/dialogue for seasonal characters differ? idk if i should try playing as another season bc i don't like it when the mc feels so different that i don't see myself in them. i would play if they're very different tho

the reactions for certain dialogue changes- the biggest difference so far is the introduction with percy (you should check out all the seasonal personality's with his intro heheheawdjwadoij)

I played this game and I loved it! A breath of fresh air for the me who was too busy in college to do much LOL
Saw that the kickstarter was over after I played it :( I hope there will be more ways to support in the future!!


I’m completely obsessed with this game! had been eagerly waiting almost an entire year for its release, and it went above and beyond everything I hoped for. The art, the characters—everything is stunning. I really hope the summer update arrives smoothly and without issues. 💖 Also, I adore Percy with all my heart!


I'm obsessed with this game!!!!!!!!(cam ilysm) 

but I'm missing one CG and i have no idea how to get it T-T

it's the one at the top right corner


THIS WAS SOOO ADORABLE!!! i loved playing this sm and im excited for the summer release <3


Omg I fell so hard for Elio, we are like polar opposites but something about that winnie the pooh hat really sold it for me. Love him and loved this game!!


On of the best ive played. cant wait for summer <3 Also, definitely want a cam romance route.  they are too precious for words


Deja loving xyx (same ngl) and then having Jaime voiced by the same person as NakedToaster? I love this so much. I really want a Cam route too, theyre so sweet and fun.

(2 edits) (+14)


I really really loved it! A wonderful demo and the characters so lovable. Even being able to decide if my MC likes touching or not. So adorable!

It is just so wholesome and it makes you feel so good. The open-heartedness, the friendship and acceptance <3

By the way... I need Cam!! We need Cam! (Yes, Cam has my whole heart) 


Omg why is Elio so adorableeeee




please let me be a lesbian and romance Reynah 

(this is such an incredible game tho)

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